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Raspberry Pi Basics

Basics of the Raspberry Pi Credit Card Sized Computer.

Caleb Faught Computers

Raspberry Pi Basics

In my opinion, Javascript is a great language for beginners, because it is already installed in your browser! You can open up the console (Cmd + Opt + J for Mac OS users and Ctrl + Shift + J for Windows users) in Chrome and start writing code immediately. Alternatively, I will have code examples like the one below spaced throughout with an interactive prompt where you can write code and just hit run.

Some History

Javascript is the defacto language of the web. Written in 1995 by Brendan Eich originally for the Netscape internet browser, Javascript was originally named Mocha. Over the years Javascript has evolved and has seen a lot of changes, the name Javascript has stuck after originally being coined to draw on the publicity of Java (a completely different language altogether); the official name is actually ECMAScript with the most current version number of 6 (i.e. ECMAScript 6 or ES6 as you may see some places). Javascript was originally made to run exclusively in the web browser, but now Node.js has made it possible to run Javascript on the server as a general purpose programming language like Python or Ruby.