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Other Resources for Learning to Code

Caleb Faught

2 minute read

Web Resources

  • Code Academy - has great interactive lessons in programming.

  • Free Code Camp - is an online free bootcamp curriculum focusing on Javascript.

  • Flatiron (paid) - is a great online bootcamp that I went through that focuses on Ruby and Javascript.


  • Learn to Program - By Chris Pine is a great basic intro to Ruby and programming in general.

  • Javascript and jQuery - By Jon Duckett is a great Javascript and jQuery primer for more front-end type work.

  • Learning React Native - By Bonnie Eisenman. This book is a definitive guide for learning mobile development in Javascript using the React Native framework. This is the new edition that comes out in November 2017, the older edition’s code is out of date at this point.

  • Ruby on Rails Tutorial - This is probably the most well known Ruby on Rails book out there.

These books are a few of the ones I liked alot. I enjoy having a physical book in front of me, but some of these also have a free web-based version like Chris Pine’s Book, and the Ruby on Rails Tutorial


  • Digital Ocean - Digital Ocean is a popular web hosting company. If you sign up with this link you earn an extra $10 credit.

  • Blue Host - Another popular web hosting company.

  • Heroku - is great for getting a simple app hosted for free with their free tier.

Note - some of these links are affiliate programs that help to keep this site running.

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